Chapter 5: Striving

Ibn al - ‘Arabī – On Five Influential Stations 126 external acts, that is, religious precepts which are connected to one’s organs ; and b It helps the Sufi to struggle against his lower soul 5 Thus, one should use this tool continuously And al - Qushayrī adds to this notion the following condition : “Know that anyone who does not strive [ for God’s sake ] from the Consequently,beginning, will find no trace of this [ Sufi ] path ” 6 mujāhada is a necessary condition for walking in the Sufi Path This is proved by al - Qushayrī’s statement that one should free himself from his habits and causes his soul to struggle against its passions all the time 7 Ibn al - ʿArabī Qurʾānic verses order the Muslims to strive for the sake of God and praise those who do so The latter are divided into four groups : a the gnostics ; b the people of isthmus ; c those who are close to God ; and d those who blame their states, the Malāmiyya Surprisingly enough, our author discusses the vowels and the lengthened...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים