Chapter 2 : God - fearingness 41 one will associate God with the second causes According to al - Qushayrī, wariness of association with God is the root of taqwā , then come other kinds of wariness that harm taqwā : sins and evil deeds, doubtful issues, and redundant things 10 He explains the phrase “Fear God as He deserves” ( Qurʾān 3 : 102 ) as denoting obeying God, mentioning Him, and thanking Him 11 In al - Muḥāsibī, taqwā appears as a general criterion which judges the human being’s deeds, whether they are obligatory or supererogatory In this sense, taqwā is like ikhlāṣ in the meaning of sincerity and absence of hypocrisy 12 By taqwā Hujwīrī means God - fearingness, 13 which in turn causes one to feel respect for God and His ordinances 14 Taqwā also has the power to bring about unveiling and vision mushāhada ) of God to the person who uses it and contemplation ( murāqaba ) to judge between him and God . 15 Another effect of ( adhering to taqwā is the aspiration to leave this world ...
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