רשימת המשתתפים

ABSTRACTS viii This article offers a reading of three of Schaps’ novels : A Time to Rend, A Time to Sew ( 1997 ) , Cactus Blossoms ( 1999 ) , and Wildflower ( 2004 ) , in light of Alicia Ostriker’s term ‘stealing the language,’ which describes ways in which women have ‘re - appropriated’ the language of the patriarchy and invaded the sanctuaries of male discourse . Uncovered here are the novels’ violation s of accepted ideological norms in Israel’s ultra - Orthodox society, though they are not identified as critical texts, but rather as the stories of young Jewish - American women who ‘return’ to traditional Jewish practice by becoming baalot teshuva . My argument here is that even though Schaps’ texts are conservatively grounded in the writing conventions of ultra - Orthodox literature, they undermine the accepted ethos with a discourse that is simultaneously conservative and subversive . Keywords : Malka Schaps, Rachel Pomerantz, Stealing the Language, Ultra - Orthodox, Ultra - Ortho...  אל הספר
מכון בן-גוריון לחקר ישראל והציונות, אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב