82 דוח מחקר . About half of the time : 2 Usually . : 3 Always . : 4 C . Question : How often would you say the government complies with important decisions of the high court with which it disagrees ? Responses : Never . : 0 Seldom . : 1 About half of the time . : 2 Usually . : 3 Always . : 4 D . Question : When the high court in the judicial system is ruling in cases that are salient to the government, how often would you say that it makes decisions that merely reflect government wishes regardless of its sincere view of the legal record ? Clarification : We are seeking to identify autonomous judicial decision - making and its absence . Decisions certainly can reflect government wishes without “merely reflecting” those wishes, i . e . a court can be autonomous when its decisions support the government’s position . This is because a court can be fairly persuaded that the government’s position is meritorious . By “merely reflect the wishes of the government” we mean that the court’s own v...
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