The ifrst kibbutzim to undergo partial decollectivization were those in financial or demographic straits . Additional kibbutzim followed the lead . Only a few prosperous ones remained unchanged . In some, much of the change occurred "rfom below", in an unplanned and disorderly fashion . In others, decollectivization was preceded by serious discussions about how far it should go and which new arrangements would best work . Discussions, however, otfen turned bitter . There were ideological conrfontations between "conservatives" or "those faithful to the oirginal kibbutz ideal" and wouldbe "reformists" or "revolutionaries1 ' . There also were interestdriven struggles between proponents and opponents of various arrangements, as each was seen to promote the welfare of some members at the expense of others . ( young members vs . old ones, managers vs . rankandifle, large families vs . small ones, those employed outside the kibbutz vs . those working in its branches, etc ) . Bitter argu...
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