מאבק על זהות | 282 . ICC = International Critical Commentary JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature . JHS = Journal of Hebrew Scriptures . JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies . JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies . JQR = Jewish Quarterly Review . JSOT = Journal for the Study of the Old Testament . JSOTsup = Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series . JSS = Journal of Jewish Studies . JST . NS = The Journal of Theological Studies, New Series . KAT = Kommentar zum Alten Testament . KHAT = Kurzer Handkommentar zum Alten Testament . LHBOTS = Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies . NCBC = The New Century Bible Commentary . NIB = The New Interpreter's Bible . NICOT = New International Commentary on the Old Testament . OTG = Old Testament Guides . OTL = Old Testament Library . PEQ = Palestine Exploration Quarterly . RB = Review Bibligue . SBL = Society of Biblcal Literature . SBLDS = Societly of Biblical Litrature, Dissertation Series . SBLMS = Society of Biblical L...
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