642׀ ההיסטוריה הקצרה של המלחמה 11 2120 – 2119 , ) C . Boehm, Hierarchy in the Forest ( 1999, Kindle Richard B . Lee, The ! Kung San : Men, Women and Work in a Foraging 12 Society ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1979 פרק 2 1 John Ellis, The Sharp End of War ( North Pomfret, VT : David and Charles, 1980 ) , 162 – 164 ; Richard Holmes, Acts of War : The Behaviour of Men in Battle ( London : Random House, 2003 ) M . Lindsay, So Few Got Through ( London : Arrow, 1955 ) , 249 2 Samuel P . Huntington, The Soldier and the State ( New York : Vintage, 3 79 , ) 1964 Stephen Bagnall, The Attack ( London, Hamish Hamilton, 1947 ) , 21 4 S . A . Stouffer et al . , The American Soldier, vol . II ( Princeton : NJ, 5 Princeton University Press, 1949 ) , 202 Lt . Col . J . W . Appel and Capt . G . W . Beebe, “Preventive Psychiatry : 6 An Epidemiological Approach”, Journal of the American Medical Association, 131 ( 1946 ) , 1470 Bagnall, The Attack, 160 7 Bagnall, The Attack 8 Appel and Beebe, “...
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