מדור חמישי: ציון והתפוצות: מבטים פילוסופיים ואידיאולוגיים (מאמרים באנגלית)

lxx Gil Troy VIII . Conclusion Two important conclusions emerge from the above discussion . First, Jewish partisans, from right and left, make a mistake when they reduce Zionism to the fight over Israel’s borders or Israel’s policies . That approach focuses on what divides the Jews rather than what could also unite modern Jews . It is too concerned with what is rather than what could be – individually and communally . Second, the governing assumptions behind initiatives like Taglit - Birthright Israel and Masa are correct . Conversation about Israel should no longer start by asking “where do Jews stand regarding Israel’s domestic, international, or existential challenges ? ” Rather, Jews have to return to the core questions raised by the Zionist movement, and by Jewish tradition itself, in multiple dimensions, asking "who are we, and who do we wish to be ? ” – separately and together . Identity Zionism lxix increasing number of Jewish Studies professors and even Israel Studies professo...  אל הספר