From Lurianic Kabbalah To Hasidism 94 sifting through all the generations of the Jewish people, each according to his measure and his strength, there is obviously no great need for the image of a Messiah to fulfill the lack of cosmic being and complete what needs completion in erecting the fallen tabernacle of David . The entire People of Israel bears on its shoulder the task of redemption, and every man in Israel has to contribute his share to accomplish and fulfill it . The people of Israel stand at the center of being, and the various stages of their history are the history of redemption . They are the messengers of the divine being and in their very emergence on the stage of history, their destiny is that of a mission . By being sent out among the nations, the people of Israel are to gather the exiled sparks and return them to divinity . Thus, the exile of Israel is interpreted, on the one hand, as a profound symbol of a fault in the higher spheres and as a reflection of their wrec...
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