Abstract | xv role filled by Solel Boneh in operating and managing the port and the operations infrastructure it established for these operations, which were mobilized as stated to assist in procurement and receipt of goods . In addition, important changes took place in July 1948, such as the completion of the evacuation of British forces from Haifa port, the transfer of the port to full sovereignty of the state of Israel, and the departure of UN supervisors who oversaw the unloading of cargoes from their port positions . With these changes, the limitations that still existed after the declaration on receiving procurement loads at the port were removed . This made it possible for Solel Boneh and the rest of the Jewish entities in the port to engage in procurement activity freely and on a much larger scale . In their turn, the military procurement operations had a decisive impact on the processes of building and strengthening the IDF in the War of Independence, helping the IDF to offse...
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