Pr a ye rs f or Pe a ce in Jew i s h Trad i tio n 102 and creates the wind, and declares to man what is he says ( Amos 4 : 13 ) ; that is, in the hour of judgment, You reveal to a person even the offhand remarks between a husband and his wife . Woe to us for the Day of Judgment ! Woe to us for the day of reproof ! Have mercy on me from now on, for the sake of Your name, and save me from speech that is against Your will . Forgive me for all the damage my words have done, from the day I was born until today, and repair all the names that I have damaged Set a guard to my mouth, O in Your holy Name . 31 Lord ; keep watch at the door of my lips ( Psalms Be with my mouth when I speak and with . ) 3 : 141 my hands when I act . Guard my soul and deliver me ; let me not be ashamed, for I have taken refuge in You ( ibid . 25 : 20 ) . Help me and deliver me, so that I may truly be able to fulfill the commandment love your neighbor as yourself ( Leviticus 19 : 18 ) with all my heart, soul, and mig...
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