10 Ac k n o w l e d g e m e n t s my friend Shoy Raz for his insightful comments on the selection of prayers to include in this collection . Last but not least, many thanks to Shaikh Dr . ʽ Omar Raīs, the head of the Sufi al - Yashruti - Shadhili Order in Akko and Shaikh ʽ Abd al - Salam Manasra, the head of the Sufi al - Qadiri Order of Peace in Nazareth, for their spiritual and material support for this enterprise . I will conclude with a short prayer for peace, which I have penned for this collection : Oh Lord of Peace King who is Peace Put in peace, the prayer book Lord of Peace , In the hearts of your sons and daughter who seek peace Avi Elqayam who lives in a temporary shelter of peace Sukkot 5775
אל הספר