6 Pr e f a ce I am saddened to witness the desolation of this generation . Many of those of learning and faith of the Children of Israel and all the nations, deeply mired in falsity, have turned their learning to deadly poison, so that their prayers are as the chattering of the starling, and so that the peace, the goodness and the blessing, the grace, the loving kindness and the mercy, bestowed by the Lord of Peace on His children have almost been extinguished from their hearts and turned to nought . Therefore Love the Truth and Peace ( Zechariah 8 : 18 ) . Still, one may not despair, saying, it is not my fight, but one has the great responsibility to perfect the world under God’s sovereignty . Therefore, I have come in Lord of Peace in these troubled times when the ship of peace is all but shipwrecked, to dispel false visions and, through Lord of Peace , restore the spirit of love, brotherhood, peace and fellowship to any who still treasure pure prayer in their hearts ; to awaken them...
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