Chapter 3 God’s Self-Manifestation

Perspectives, Relationships and Relativity in Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Thought 38 the substrate of the human being, and the second comes directly from God and is perceived by the human being . According to the Sufi Shaykh Awḥad al - Dīn Balyanī ( d . 1287 ) , one should beware of the self - manifestation of God as something that may harm the human being, like a snake . 5 Here also, God’s self - manifestation has two points of view : from the first, He is manifested in all forms, but this does not mean that one should not be careful regarding harmful animals or things, and this is the second perspective of the material appearance of God in nature . A different formulation of the idea of predisposition is stated in the Futūḥāt, in which instead of predisposition Ibn al - ‘Arabī speaks of the spirits and their faculties that direct the angels, the human beings and the demons ( jinn ) . God reveals Himself to them behind the veil that conceals Him ( ḥijāb al - ghayb ) . It seems that our author d...  אל הספר
אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים