] 406 [ לפי יס את היטל ר 12 . 281 . Hansard, HC Deb, 2 September 1939, vol . 351, col Spears, Assignment to Catastrophe , p . 20 . 13 John Barnes and David Nicholson ( eds . ) , The Leo Amery Diaries , . 14 vol . II : The Empire at Bay 1929 - 1945 , London 1988, 2 September p . 570 1939, Hansard, HC Deb, 2 September 1939, vol . 351, cols . 282 - 283 . 15 James ( ed . ) , “Chips”, 2 September 1939, p . 213 . 16 Nicolson, Harold Nicolson Diaries and Letters , 2 September 1939, . 17 p . 419 Sir Reginald Dorman - Smith, “Recollections”, Sunday Times , . 18 September 1966 6 Ibid . . 19 1 : הניסוי של היטלר 1 . ) 1956 DBFP, Second Series, vol . V ( London , רמבולד לסר ג'ון סיימון, 1933 . 6 . 30 , מס' 229 . 2 . 1933 The Times , 31 January Stuart Ball ( ed . ) , Parliament and Politics in the Age of Baldwin and . 3 MacDonald : The Headlam Diaries 1923 - 1935 , London 1992, p . 258 Daily Telegraph , 31 January 1933 . 4 News Chronicle , 31 January 1933 ; Daily Herald , 31 January 1933 . 5 The Tim...
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