. 1986 The Ayn Rand Lexicon : Objectivism from A to Z, The New Le ft : The Anti - Industrial Revolution . 1971 . The Romantic Manife st o . 1969, 1971 . The Virtue of Sel fi shness , 1964 . The Voice of Reason : Essays in Objectivist Thaught , 1989 . The Return of the Primitive , 1971 . כתבים נוספים של איין ראנד : . 1934 , Night of January 16 th The Early Ayn Rand , 1984 . ספרים מומלצים על איין ראנד והאובייקטיביזם : . ) 1986 ( The Ayn Rand Lexicon : Objectivism from A to Z The Ominous Para ll els : The End of Freedom in America ( 1982 ) , By Leonard Peiko ff . Objectivism : The Philosophy of Ayn Rand ( 1991 ) , By Leonard Peiko ff . Le tt ers of Ayn Rand ( 1995 ) . Edited by Michael S . Berliner . Journals of Ayn Rand ( 1997 ) . Edited by David Harriman . The Ayn Rand Reader ( 1999 ) . Edited by Gary Hull and Leonard Peiko ff . The Art of Fiction ( 2000 ) . Edited by Tore Boeckmann . The Art of Non fi ction ( 2001 ) . Edited by Robert Mayhew . איין ראנד 445 הקורס אובייקטיביזם : הפילוסו...
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