R v R [ 1992 ] 1 A . C . 599, House of Lords . . 15 Davidai and Gilovich, "Headwinds / Tailwinds Asymmetry" . . 16 Files, Mayer, et al . , "Speaker Introductions at Internal Medicine" . . 17 "Anew study confirms it : You likely experienced that moment of . 18 awkwardness or disrespect because you are a woman . " Accessed December https : / / www . facebook . com / NPR / posts / 65719200174655101 . 2018 7, . Lepore and Revenson, "Relationships Between Posttraumatic Growth" . . 19 "The Counted : People Killed by Police in the U . S" . . 20 van Dernoot Lipsky, Trauma Stewardship, chap . 4 . . 21 ראו, Appendix B : Standards of Self‑Care Gudelines ; Mathieu, Compassion . 22 Fatigue Workbook . פרק 5 : תעשיית הרזון Dohnt and Tiggemann, "Body Image Concerns" . . 1 Evans, Tovée, et al . , "Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating . 2 Attitudes" . Vander Wal, "Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors" . . 3 Becker, "Television, Disordered Eating, and Young Women" . . 4 "Thick Dumpling Skin" ; Cusio,...
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