10 ארנהם - כישלון בצל הגבורה ברנרד לו Bernard Law Montgomery, Unknown, Unknown, מונטגומרי https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Bernard_Montgomery, http : / / www . maxwell . af . mil / au / afhra / wwwroot / photo_galleries / merhar / Photos / 01097635 710_ . jpg, License : "The Maxwell AFB Web site is provided as a public service by the Maxwell Support Division . Information presented on the Maxwell Web Site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied . Use of appropriate byline / photo / image credits is requested" ; This artistic work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain . Omar Nelson Bradley, Unknown, Unknown, https : / / עומר נלסון ברדלי . en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Omar_Bradley, http / / www . jcs mil / cjs / history_ files / bios / Bradley_ bio . pdf ; Public Picture, Part 1 . domain, for details see 1 st George S . Patton, Unknown, User Husnock on ג’ורג’ אס . פטון _ . en . wikipedia, https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wi...
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