] 404 [ מנהיגו ת בעיתו ת סערה Stephen R . Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People : Restoring the Character Ethic , Free Press, New York 2004 Major Doug Crandall, Leadership Lessons from West Point, Jossey - Bass, San Francisco 2007 Peter F . Drucker, The Essential Drucker : The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writing on Management , HarperCollins, New York 2001 Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit : Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business , Random House, New York 2014 Alex Ferguson, With Michael Ortiz, Leading : Learning from Life and My Years at Manchester United , Hachette, New York 2015 Steven Fink, Crisis Management : Planning for the Inevitable , Lincoln, Neb . : iUniverse, 2002 Michael Fullan, Turnaround Leadership , Jossey - Bass, San Francisco 2016 Howard Gardner With Emma Laskin, Leading Minds : An Anatomy of Leadership Basic Books, New York 1995 John W . Gardner, On Leadership , Simon & Schuster, New York 1990 Robert M . Gates, A Passion for Leadershi...
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