וגבולות גשרים — מגילת רות | 368 . HAT = Handbuch zum Alten Testament HCOT = Historical Commentary on the Old Testament . HS = Hebrew Studies . HTR = Harvard Theological Review . HUCA = Hebrew Union College Annual . ICC = International Critical Commentary . IDB = G . A . Buttaric ( ed . ) , Interpreter’s Di ctionary of the Bible , New York 1962 . ISBL = Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature . JANES = Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University . JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature . JBQ = Jewish Bible Quarterly . JETS = Journal of Evangelical Theological Society . JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies . JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies . JNSL = Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages . JPS = The Jewish Publication Society . JQR = Jewish Quarterly Review . JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society . JSIJ = Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal . JSJ = Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Periods . JSOT = Journal for the Study of t...
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