
פתח דבר : פולין , גרמניה והמערב H . G . Wells , The Shape of Things to Come , london 1933 , pp . 156 - 157 . 1 Parliamentary Debates ) Hansard ( , vol . 351 , col . 10 , 24 August 1939 . 2 Acten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik ) ADAP ( , serie D , band VI , . 3 -Baden Baden 1956 , p . 479 , Bericht uber eine Besprechung am 23 Mai 1939 National Archives , Kew , London ) NA ( , PREM 1 / 357 , FO memorandum , . 4 " The Polish request for Financial Assistance for military purposes " , 9 May 1939 , p . 2 C . Kimmich , The Free City , Danzig and the German Foreign Policy , . 5 -1914 1934 , New Haven , 1968 , pp . 3 - 9 K . Beck , Dernier rapport : politique polonaise 1926 - 1939 , Paris , 1955 , . 6 p . 187 H . S . Levine , Hitler ' s Free City : A History of the Nazi Party in Danzig , . 7 -1925 1939 , Chicago 1973 , pp . 121 - 125 , 127 - 138 . 8 התיאור הטוב ביותר הוא A . Zamoyski , Warsaw 1920 : Lenin ' s Failed . Conquest of Europe , London 2008 A . Prazmowska , Eastern Europe and the O...  אל הספר
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