Shmuel Bolozky 1 . The original motivation for hitpa ` el metathesis Bolozky ) 1978 , 1997 , 2007 ( discusses the well - known hitpa ` el metathesis , where a coronal sibilant metathesizes with the prefixal t : 1 1 ( / hit + labb šē / ‘ get dressed ’ > hitlabb šē but ( / hit + sakk ē n / ‘ take risk ’ > histakk ē n / hit + š amm šē / ‘ use ’ > hi š tamm šē / hit + ś akk ē r / ‘ earn ’ > hi ś takk ē r The rule applies in finite forms , as well as in related derived nominalizations ) e . g . histall ə q ū t ‘ going away , ’ cf . histall ē q ‘ get ’away ( . Hitpa ` el metathesis is an historical , established rule , and applies fairly automatically , but is not a natural phonetic process of necessity . It does not apply beyond hitpa ` el . There are really no test cases in Biblical Hebrew ) BH ( where the structural description is met outside of hitpa ` el ) see discussion below ( , but alternations in Israeli Hebrew ) IH ( like 1 ( tasas ‘ fermented ) int . ’( ~ hi + tsis ‘ fermented ) t...
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