Archives British Library rNewspape Archive , olindaleC rar chiv , reiburgF ä -Bundesarchiv Milit lChurchil Archives Centre , hurchillC College , ambridgeC MIW Archives , lmperiaI War Museum , ondonL lNationa Archives , ewK lNationa Archives , Washington DC eTh sTime sArchive Published Sources Aldrich , dRichar J ,. GCHQ : eTh dUncensore yStor fo Britain ’ s tMos tSecre eIntelligenc ( yAgenc ( London , 0112 Andrew , Christopher , eTh eDefenc fo eth Realm : eTh dAuthorise yHistor fo MI 5 ( London , 0092 ) ––––– tSecre Service : eTh gMakin fo eth hBritis eIntelligenc yCommunit ( London , 9851 ) Andrew , rChristophe dan D . Dilks , eds , eTh gMissin Dimension : sGovernment dan ( Intelligence Communities in eth Twentieth Century ( London , 9841 Andrew , rChristophe dan gOle Gordievsky , KGB : eTh eInsid ystor fo sit nForeig ( Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev ( London , 9901 Andrew , rChristophe dan iVasil Mitrokhin , eTh dSwor dan eth Shield : eTh nMitrokhi ( Archive and the Secret Histor...
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