T erminal A eviewr of 21 st yenturc tar ilApr 2016 P ublished esinc 1996 W inner of the 2004 D nesig A dwar on behalf of AIGD – aphicGr D nersesig A ss . of aelIsr F ounder and E ordit in C hief : R achel manSuk , ialEditor B oard : ayHa F riedberg amYor onOr , R aivk R ass aphicGr ndesig : M oshe M irsky English anslationtr : iaDar K assovsky tionProduc tassistan : R evital vskyNaumo Printing : A . R . P tingrin L td ,. T el A viv Publisher : C erent orf V isual A rt , T el A viv No . 580266104 : minalTer is published with the tsuppor of T he aelIsr M yinistr of C eultur and tSpor T he aelIsr M yinistr of F noreig A ffairs : ialEditor O ffice Terminal 6 Zamenho ff St ,. T el A viv 6437306 , aelIsr Tel : + 972 - 3 - 5254191 F ax : + 972 - 3 - 5286051 magazine @ netvision . net . il rakele @ netvision . net . il www . offic eintelavivgallery . com English erovc , erSilvest P lotajs oeSic , Magic , 2013 oil on vascan , 50 ש 40 ewHebr erovc
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