נספח מס' : ב' 8 חלוקת הנושאים בכ ' "ע השוט הספרותי' של בארטי 1764 ) . This short essay favoured the abolititn of death penalty and tortures and influenced philosophes like Voltaire , Diderot , Alambert'd , Campomanes , Iselin , Filangieri , The Vasco brothers and many others . The research deals also with the connections of the Milanese' 'School and the Kings and the 'Philosophes' of France , England , Scotland , Germany , Spain , Portugal , Austria , Holland , Switzerland , Scandinavia , Poland , Russia , Prussia , The American Colonies and the rest of Italy . The major points-encounter and communication were the meetings the correspondance the "Salons" , , discussions and the reviews . I mentioned eleven internal points-encounter and five more external . Most of them are what Jurgen Habermas indicates as The" Public "Sphere of the Century-Eighteenth . The Projects the Milan" 'School are 111 books ( see app . no . 9 ) , 3 periodicals and thousands of letters , phamphlets and so on . T...
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