List of Contributors

Aksana Abramov is an MA research student at Ariel University of Samaria . Ms . Abramov had already been employed in research projects during her BA studies . In addition to her knowledge of the Russian , Azerbaijan , and Juhuri languages she has acquired a strong familiarity with the culture of the Mountain Jews . Golda Akhiezer ( PhD ) is a lecturer in the Israel Heritage Department at Ariel University , and a researcher at the university’s Institute for Research of Jewish Communities of the Caucasus and Central Asia . She has published more than fifty research papers , and her areas of research interest include : the history of Eastern European Jewry , Karaism , Jewish Historiography and historical thought , the Haskalah , and Jewish communities of the former USSR . Moisey Bekker , graduated from Baku State University in 1967 . Mr . Bekker is a historian , and senior researcher at the Institute of Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan ; coauthor of the projec...  אל הספר
הוצאת אוניברסיטת אריאל בשומרון, אריאל