In literature by Jewish writers , there is a long tradition of depicting Jews struggling with the restrictions of religious communities or with the decision to leave . In the works of Sholem Aleichem , Isaac Bashevis Singer , Esther Kreitmen , Anzia Yezierska , Chaim Potok , Allegra Goodman , Rebecca Goldstein and Pearl Abraham , to name but a few , conflicts of identity and faith are explored as protagonists struggle with questions , restrictions , assimilation and the desire to know more about or interact with the outside world . In a category by itself , perhaps , is the novel Hush – a work of fiction – published under the pseudonym Eishes Chayil ( a woman of valor ) in 2010 . The author of Hush , which explores the world of child sexual abuse in a Hasidic community , later came forward and identified herself as Judy Brown , and began publishing work under her own name . In a blog post she wrote : I originally wrote my book under a pseudonym to protect my family and friends from com...
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