fUrther reAding geNerAL sUrveys סקירות כלליות Vladimir Birgus , Czech Photographic Avant–Garde : 1918–1948 ( Cambridge , Mass : The MIT Press , 2002 ) . Jeannine Fiedler , Peter Feierabend , and Ute Ackermann ( eds . ) , Bauhaus ( Cologne : K › nemann , 2000 ) . Maria Morris Hambourg and Christopher Phillips , The New Vision : Photography between the World Wars – Ford Motor Company Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York ( New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art , 1989 ) . Lyle Rexer , The Edge of Vision : The Rise of Abstraction in Photography ( New York : Aperture , 2009 ) . David Travis and Elizabeth Siegel , Taken by Design : Photographs from the Institute of Design 1937–1971 ( Chicago : Art Institute of Chicago , 2002 ) . Teachers of the New Bauhaus ( Chicago : Stephen Daiter Gallery , 2009 ) . iNdividUAL phoTogrAphers צלמים בתערוכה ברניס אבוט BereNice ABBoTT / Ga › lle Morel ( ed . ) , Berenice Abbott ( Paris : Jeu de Paume , 2012 ) . ורנר בישוף WerNer BischoF / Wer...
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