
מתוך:  > כתובות ערד > קיצורים


קיצורים אנצ' מקר' — אנציקלופדיה מקראית א—ו , ירושלים תש "י—תשל '' ב ANET , Suppl . — J . B . Pritchard ed ., The Ancient Near East , Supplementary Texts 1967 . Aharon i , Land — Y . Aharoni , The Land of the Bible , London and Philadelphia Abel , Geographie — F . M . Abel , Geographie de la Palestine MI , Paris 1933-1935 . AASOR — The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research . . and Pictures Relating to the Old Testament , Princeton 1969 . . Cross- Freed man , Orthography — F . M . Cross and D . N . Freed man , Early Hebrew Beer-Sheba / — Y . Aharoni ed ., Beer-Sheba / , Tel-Aviv 1973 . BASOR — Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research . BA — The Biblical Archaeologist . ASAE — Annales du Service des Antiquites de 1 ' Egypt Gibson , Textbook — J . C . L . Gibson , Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions I . Aramiiisches Handworterbnch uber das Alte Testament " , Leipzig 1921 . Gesenius — Buhl , Handworterbnch — W . Gesenius and F . Buhl , Hebrdisches und araniaische Inschriften , Wiesbaden 1962-1964 . Donncr Rollig , Inschriften — H . Donner and W . Rollig , Kanaandische nnd 1934 . Diringer , Iscrizioni — D . Diringer , Le iscrizioni antico-ebraiche Palestinesi , Firenze Orthography , Baltimore 1952 . Oxford 1971 . . JBL — Journal of Biblical Literature . JAOS — Journal of the American Oriental Society . Int . Die . Bib . — The Interpreter ' s Dictionary of the Bible I-1 V , New York 1962 . IEJ — Israel Exploration Journal . HUCA — Hebrew Union College Annual scriptions semitiques de I ' ouest , Leiden 1965 . Jean — Hoftijzer , Dictionaire — C . — F . Jean and J . Hoftijzer , Dictionaire des B 91 IE A — The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology . JCS — Journal of Cuneiform Studies . . JSS — Journal of Semitic Studies . JPOS — The Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society Unpublished Doctoral Thesis , Paris 1973 . Lemaire , Ostraca — A . Lemaire , Les Ostraca hebreux de I ' epoque royale Israelite , Lachish III O . Tufnell et al ., Lachish III , The Iron Age , London 1953 . Lachish / — H . Torczyner et . al ., Lachish / , The Lachish Letters , London 1938 . Veteris Testamenti Libros , Leiden 1958 . Koehler— Baumgartner , Lexicon — L . Koehler and W . Baumgartner , Lexicon in de Murabba'dt , Oxford 1961 . Murabha ' at — P . Benoit et al ., Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 11 , Les Grottes 1951 . Moscati , L ' epigrafia — S . Moscati , L ' epigrafia ebraica antica 1935-1950 , Roma 1936 ( repr . Osnabriick 1965 ) . Moller , Hier . Pal . — G . Moller , Hieratische Paldographie' 1-11 , Leipzig 1927-

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