קיצורים לספרים ולכתבי עת


CCSL = Corpus Christianorum Series Latina . . Arab and Byzaline Levels , Philadelphia 1931 . Fitzgerald , Beth Shan /// = G . M . Fitzgerald , BethShan Excavations 1921-1923 , \\\ Jhe POP = Dom barton Oaks Papers . 1 . 1 A = Journal of Jewish Art . JHS = Journal of Hellenic Studies . IEJ = Israel Exploration Journal . ( iCS = Die griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der erster drei Jahrhunderte . Harvard Excavations at Samaria , 1908-1910 , Cambridge Mass . 1924 . Reisneretal ., Harvard ExcavationsatSamaria = G . A . Rekner , CSFisher , D . G . Lyon , QDAP = Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities of Palestine . PEQ = Palestine Exploration Quarterly . PEFQS = Palestine Exploration Fund , Quarterly Statement . LA = Studii Biblici Franciscan ! , Liber Annuus . London 1881-1883 . SWP / - /// = C . R . Conder , H . H . Kitchner , The Survey of Western Palestine , 1-111 , ROC = Revue de !' orient Chretien . RB = Revue biblique . nouvelle . Paris 1914-1926 . Vincent-Abel , Jerusalem nouvelte = H . Vincent & F . M . Abe \ , Jerusalem , II : Jerusalem . ZDPV = Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina Vereins

יד יצחק בן-צבי

לצפייה מיטבית ורציפה בכותר