זכויות חברתיות־כלכליות ואיכות הסביבה


3 . The Constitution of Lithuania - Adopted on 25 October 1992 Article 53 influences ( 3 ) The State and each individual must protect the environment from harmful ( 2 ) The State shall promote physical culture of the society and shall support sports free of charge at State medical facilities shall be established by law services in the event of sickness . The procedure for providing medical aid to citizens ( 1 ) The State shall take care of people ' s health and shall guarantee medical aid and Article 54 flora , shall be prohibited by law . the production of radioactive impact , as well as the impoverishment of fauna and ( 2 ) The exhaustion of land and entrails of the earth , the pollution of waters and air , augmentation . supervise the moderate utilization of natural resources as well as their restoration and fauna and flora , separate objects of nature and particularly valuable districts , and shall ( 1 ) The State shall concern itself with the protection of the natural environment , its 4 . The Constitution of Netherlands - Adopted on 17 February 1983 Article 21 [ Environment and improve the environment . It shall be the concern of the authorities to keep the country habitable and to protect 2 April 1997 5 . The Constitution of Poland - Adopted by National Assembly on Article 5 citizens , safeguard the national heritage and shall ensure the protection of the natural and ensure the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens , the security of the The Republic of Poland shall safeguard the independence and integrity of its territory


לצפייה מיטבית ורציפה בכותר