12 | התנסות סימולטיבית בהוראה ובלמידה : היבטים תאורטיים ומחקריים : Tufford, L . , Asakura, K . , & Bogo, M . ( 2018 ) . Simulation versus role - play Perceptions of prepracticum BSW students . Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 23 ( 1 ) , 249 - 267 . doi : 10 . 18084 / 1084 - 7219 . 23 . 1 . 249 Von Suchodoletz, A . , Jamil, F . M . , Larsen, R . A . , & Hamre, B . K . ( 2018 ) . Personal and contextual factors associated with growth in preschool teachers' self - efficacy beliefs during a longitudinal professional development study . Teaching and Teacher Education, 75, 278 - 289 . Zee, M . , & Koomen, H . M . ( 2016 ) . Teacher self - efficacy and its effects on classroom processes, student academic adjustment, and teacher well - being : A synthesis of 40 years of research . Review of Educational research, 86 ( 4 ) , 981 - 1015 .