Mishnah and LXX as Mystery: An Example of Jewish-Christian Polemic in the Byzantine Period MARC BREGMAN

Mishnah and LXX as Mystery : An Example of Jewish-Christian Polemic in the Byzantine Period MARC BREGMAN 1 The focus of this presentation is a passage found in the 2 3 Yelammedenu genre of midrashic literature : Rabbi Yehudah berabbi Shalom said : Moses requested that nah be in writing . But the Holy One , blessed be He , foresaw nations would translate the Torah and would be reading it The original Hebrew version of this paper is due 10 be published in Y . Sussman D . Rosenthal ( eds . ) . E . E . Urbach Memorial Volume . My thanks to L . Levine kind invitation to publish an English version of the presentation in this volume . On this genre of midrashic literature . see M . Bregman , 'Stratigraphic Analysis Selected Pcricope from theTanhuma- Yelammedenu Midrashim ' , Proceedingsof Tenth Congressof Jewish Studies , C / l : Jewish Thought and Literature , 1990 , pp . 117-124 ( Hebrew ); idem , "Early Sources and Traditions in the Yelammedenu Midrashim ' , Tarbiz , 60 ( 1991 ) , pp . 269...  אל הספר
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